Friday, January 19, 2007

Divine Mercy Podcast

The following was posted on the Rosary Army Forum last night, (Blogspot was having some issues last night so "GK" was unable to view Grant Them Rest, otherwise he/she would have noticed that one of the main focuses of the blog is to get people praying for those departed souls).


I would like to point you toward my podcast page where you can download the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in mp3 format. I thought if you were promoting prayer for souls departed, that would be a good one (other than an intention at Mass, of course).

BYW, I have been getting an error when I try to go to the Grant Them Rest site.


To listen to the podcast in your browser window, click on the title of the podcast next to "Direct download" at the botton of the show notes.

To subscribe:
For iTunes, click on the "Add to iTunes" button.
If you use a different podcast player, enter the link
and you will be subscribed.

DM Extra - Divine Mercy Chaplet with Meditations

Distraction during prayer is a challenge for us all. To try to assist you with this, I have recorded the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and included a series of meditations on the wounds of Christ's Passion. I pray that this recording will help you to grow closer to our Lord as you meditate on his passion and the agonizing wounds he endured for our salvation.

May the Merciful Jesus fill your heart with His gentle peace and remember, at every moment, do what Love requires.

Catholic Progress

Music provided by
Great Doxology - Monks and Choirs of Kiev Peche

Direct download: DM_Extra_-_Divine_Mercy_Chaplet_with_Meditation.mp3

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